18th Mar 2025 - ohope

Join the BOPSS Triathlon Facebook Page




countdown to event day


Latest News

Follow our Facebook page for all the latest news in the lead up to the event, during the event day and post event updates. 

Feel free to use the Facebook page to connect with other participants if you are looking for a training partner to get you out swimming, cycling and running or if you have any questions about equipment, race kit, etc. 

There are a set of FAQs at the bottom of this page to help you get answers to the most common questions. 

Contact Paul the Event Director for any further information.

race distance


Swim: 250m
Bike: 8km
Run: 2km


Swim: 400m
Bike: 12km
Run: 3km


Swim: 400m
Bike: 12km
Run: 3km


Swim: 600m
Bike: 20km
Run: 4km


Entries can only be made via your School Sports Co-Ordinator with enquiries to Claire Kersten at Sport BOP – clairek@sportbop.co.nz

Please note that entry fees are not refundable unless you have contacted Claire, 24 hours prior to race day.


Set in the peaceful beachside community of ohope. Taking in the natural harbour setting & flat open roads.

course map

click the map to see a bigger version of the course
U13 Bike course
U13 Run course
U14/16 Bike course
U14/16 Run course
U19 Bike course
U19 Run course

race information

Most frequent questions and answers

Registration will take place on the race day morning only. 

There will be NO opportunity to enter on the day. No late entries

Team Managers can collect all entries for one School or each Individual can collect. You will be issued with a race number ( must be worn on the run ).

Please check that the athletes are entered into the correct age group. 


Please arrive on time or this can delay the start of the 1st race.

If you are unable to make this time, someone else may register on your behalf.  Please phone/email the Race Director – 027 2705300 or events@triathlontauranga.org.nz

Course maps will be on display at registration


  • Swim 250m – Ocean swim parallel with the shore, with an in-water start. Swim with the incoming tide. As we swim in a tidal estuary, which way we swim is dictated by the incoming tide.
  • Bike 8km – Harbour Rd, right into Charles St, left into Ocean Rd. Along Ocean Rd until a left into Tawai St. Left onto Harbour Rd & continue straight back along Harbour Rd to dismount.
  • Run 2km – Out of Transition & via left onto Harbour Rd. Staying on the left-hand side of the road, continue to the turn-around cone. Continue back on the same side of the road & make a slight right-hand turn to follow down to the finish-line.
  • Printable race information & maps here

U14 / U16

  • Swim 400m – Ocean swim parallel with the shore, with an in-water start. Swim with the incoming tide. As we swim in a tidal estuary, which way we swim is dictated by the incoming tide.
  • Bike 12km – Harbour Rd, right into Charles St, left into Ocean Rd. Along Ocean Rd until a left into Te Akau St. Left into Pohutukawa St & then left onto Harbour Rd & continue straight back along Harbour Rd to dismount.     Draft-legal for U16 only.
  • Run 3km – Out of Transition & via left onto Harbour Rd. Staying on the left-hand side of the road, continue to the turn-around cone. Continue back on the same side of the road & make a slight right-hand turn to follow down to the finish-line.
  • Printable race information & maps here 


  • Swim 600m – Ocean swim parallel with the shore, with an in-water start. Swim with the incoming tide. As we swim in a tidal estuary, which way we swim is dictated by the incoming tide.
  • Bike 20km, 2 lap – Harbour Rd, right into Charles St, left into Ocean Rd. Along Ocean Rd until a left into Te Akau St. Left into Pohutukawa St & then left onto Harbour Rd & continue straight back along Harbour Rd to start a 2nd lap with a left-hand turn into Charles St then complete a 2nd lap. 2nd time through continue straight through & back to the dismount.    Draft-legal
  • Run 4km – Out of Transition & via left onto Harbour Rd. Staying on the left-hand side of the road, continue to the turn-around cone. Continue back on the same side of the road & make a slight right-hand turn to follow down to the finish-line.
  • Printable race information & maps here

Below are the Race race rules for the BOP Secondary Schools Triathlon.

BOPSS Tri Rules info 2022 doc

Below is the briefing for the BOP Secondary Schools Triathlon.

BOPSS Race race briefing


    • The BOP Secondary Schools event has returned back to the BOP after many years of having to attend the Waikato Schools Triathlon. 

    • Big thanks to Triathlon Tauranga & Eastern BOP Triathlon club for organising this event each year, with the support of Sport BOP.

    • The event will be held wet or fine. If necessary the event will be modified for safety reasons & it will only be cancelled if the weather prevents race organisers from hosting a safe event for everyone.

    • Any decision on the race will be made at least 1 hour before the intended race start time. A decision on whether the entire event is cancelled would be made at daybreak on the morning of the event.

  • There are 3 different length swims – U12/13 250m, U14/16 400m & U19 600m ( all swam parallel to the shore ).
  • You will be able to stand in all distances depending on how deep you swim. 
  • There is to be NO walking in the swim.
  • The swim is tidal & you will swim with the current.
  • Please wear a bright coloured swimcap.
  • If you need assistance than please relax & don’t panic. Try standing up, then if still needing help, raise one hand & don’t panic. We will have a volunteer on a kayak/SUP & also on the shore.
  • You don’t have to wear a wetsuit.  They are optional.
  • Please round the orange buoy at the exit & exit up the beach.
  • This can be any kind of pedal powered bike. No E-bikes. Please ensure the bike fits YOU.
  • Helmets must be worn at all times. Please ensure this fits correctly. Helmet must be on before un-racking your bike & remain on till bike is racked after the bike leg.
  • We don’t have road closure for the event, so please be aware that residents & businesses can still access the roads. We have marshals on some street corners.
  • Follow the instructions of the Charles Street marshal, as you make the RH turn into Charles Street
  • Please ride as close to the left-hand side of the road as practical & pass on the right 
  • Please learn to change a flat tyre as we don’t have bike mechanics on course.
  • Please remain alert through-out the entire ride as there maybe faster cyclists behind you that need to pass.
  • There must be no form of listening/music devices on the course. 
  • Some of these races are draft-legal. If you are uncomfortable drafting, then please don’t. 
  • Please pass on the RIGHT.
  • You must NEVER cross the centre line
  • Your race bib number can be worn on the bike.
  • If you see another competitor that requires assistance, then please let the next marshal know as you ride past.
  • Please wear shoes the entire time.
  • Race number must be worn on the run only
  • Take care when running alongside the road.  There is no footpath to start with.
  • All courses are out & back. No changing sides of the road.
  • This is a run/walk leg. Please no skates, skateboards, scooters or any other device.
  • Some of the run course is alongside the bike course so please run as close to the road edge as possible.
  • Follow the flags or rope from the transition to the road.
  • There is also parts of the course that are 2-way runners. please stay to the left. (Just like driving on the road).
  • Please no strollers/buggies on course.
  • There is to be no MP3, I-Pods, phones, bluetooth headphones or any other listening devices on course. 
  • The Team race is a relay with a Team of 2 or 3 doing a leg each.
  • The swimmer will start in the respective age group start
  • The Swimmer tags the cyclist at the Team Tag area near the beginning of Transition. 
  • The Cyclist then racks the bike & tags the Runner.  The Runner must wear the race bib number for the run.
  • All Team members may run across the finish-line together. Please just be courteous to any other competitors finishing.
  • The Transition area for all races will open from 8am.
  • There are no designated areas for any age groups. Please rack where there is room.
  • Each race will be asked to move from their Transition area 15-20 mins before your race start, to attend the pre race briefing.
  • The Team race will have a Tea Tag area near the beginning of the transition entry.
  • Please only Athletes in the Transition area.
  • The younger age groups will be allowed to remove bikes from transition periodically during the morning but not whilst other races are using the Transition area.
  • Please remove any excess bags from within the transition area.
  • BOPSS Transition map
  • The Sprint Distance, U19 race is DRAFT-LEGAL. The other races are not.
  • Get to the Registration & Transition area early. Get setup & then relax before the briefing
  • Low Tide 5:55am
  • Please don’t park any where on the race course.
  • You MUST attend the race briefing on the day, 15 minutes before your race.
  • Please have your upper torso covered at all times during the race (except in the swim if you don’t wear a wetsuit).
  • Please wear covered shoes at all times during the race.
  • Please wear a helmet at all times during the bike section of the race.
  • Earlier races will be able to collect bikes from the transition area after their race, or whilst the next race is completing the bike leg.
  • Turn up to race hard & have FUN.
  • Bring Sun-screen & suitable clothing.
  • There are Merit medals for all age groups.
 Tuesday Mar 18th 2025
  • 8:00am Transition area opens (far end of Harbour Drive)
  • 8:15am Athlete check in
  • 8:45am Team Managers compulsory race briefing
  • 9:00am All Competitors & Managers briefing
  • 9:15am U13 race briefing, then move to startline
  • 9:30am U13 race start
  • 10:15am U16 race briefing, then move to startline
  • 10:30am U16 race start
  • 10:15am U14 race briefing, then move to startline
  • 10:40am U14 race start
  • 11:20am U19 race briefing, then move to startline  
  • 11:45am U19 race start

Age Groups will your age as of 1st January 2025.

Entries can only be made via your School Sports Co-Ordinator.

Please note the entry fees are not refundable unless have have contacted Claire 24 hours prior to the race day.

We are also unable to transfer entries to the following years race.  In the event of any ‘act of God’ conditions causing a cancellation of the Event, I agree that my entry fee is not transferable or refundable

Prize-giving for each Age Group will be held approx 15 minutes after the last athlete has crossed the finish line of their respective race. There will be medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Male & Female.


R-Line Logo JPG
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