sunday 24 November 2024 - mount maunganui
latest news
As a Suzuki National Series event, the Genx/Marra Tinman is a selection event for the World Triathlon Standard Triathlon Championships being held in Wollongong, Australia 15-19 October 2025. Find out more here
- Standard Distance Triathlon National Championships – Qualify for 2025 World champs in Wollongong, Australia
- Para Sprint Triathlon National Championships
countdown to event day
race distance
Standard tri
Bike: 40km
Run: 10km
Sprint tri
Bike: 20km
Run: 5km
Para tri
Bike: 20km
Run: 5km
Have a Go
Bike: 13km
Run: 3km
Run: 1km
standard tRI
sprint & Para-Tri
have a go/Splash 'n' Dash
*Plus Booking Fees
**Triathlon New Zealand (TriNZ) One Day Membership (ODM). Required for all Sprint & Standard distance entries. Unless participant is an Annual TRIBE member. Only ONE person in a Sprint/Standard distance Team entry requires ODM (or TRIBE membership).

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taking in place in the greater area of Mount Maunganui, the Tinman Triathlon returns for it's 36th year
course map
click the map to see a bigger version of the course
race information
Most frequent questions and answers
Registration will take place Saturday 23rd November at MYRIDE, 37 Totara Street Mt Maunganui from 12pm to 3pm. We ask that you attend this registration to collect your race-pack, which will include your race number, timing transponder, swim cap, helmet & bike stickers & race info.
Late entries will be taken at the registration with a late fee of $20.
If you are unable to make this time, someone else may register on your behalf. In a case where nobody can collect for you we can make arrangements for the racepack to be collected on Sunday between 6:00am-7:30am, prior to the 1st race. This collection will take place in the race HQ tent on the grass area near the finish-line. Please email or phone the Race Director – 027 2705300.
Standard Distance – Non Drafting
- Swim 1500m, 1 lap – Ocean swim with a deep water & possible beach start.
- Bike 40km, 3 laps – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade, Oceanbeach Rd to Turn-around @ #230. Return to Turn-around @ Prince Ave.
- Run 10km, 1 lap – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade to Turn-around @ #145, Marine Parade, onto Mauao (Mount) Base track @ Surf Club, exit back onto The Mall to finish.
Sprint Distance – Draft-legal – Road bikes only. No aerobars.
- Swim 750m, 1 lap – Ocean swim with a beach start.
- Bike 20km, 2 laps – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade to Turn-around @ #209 Marine Parade. Return to Turn-around @ Prince Ave.
- Run 5km, 1 lap – The Mall, Adams Ave, onto Mauao (Mount) Base track @ Surf Club, exit back onto The Mall to finish.
- Swim 750m, 1 lap – Ocean swim with a beach start.
- Bike 20km, 2 laps – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade to Turn-around @ #209 Marine Parade. Return to Turn-around @ Prince Ave.
- Run 5km, 1 lap – The Mall, Adams Ave, onto Marine Parade to Turn-around @ 63 Marin Parade. Return to finish via Marine Parade,Adams Ave & The Mall . This course DOES NOT include the Mt Base track.
Short Course – NON DRAFTING – Road bikes only. No aerobars.
- Swim 300m, 1 lap – Ocean swim with a beach start
- Bike 13km, 1 lap – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade, Oceanbeach Rd to Turn-around @ #230. Return to Prince Ave.
- Run 3km, 1 lap – The Mall, Adams Ave, Marine Parade to Turn-around @ Cnr of Commons Ave. Return to finish on The Mall. This course DOES NOT include the Mt Base track.
- Swim 100m, 1 lap – Ocean swim with a beach start.
- Run 1km, 1lap – The Mall to Turn-around @ Cnr of Commons Ave & return to finish
Aid stations – Run only
- There are 3 Aid Station positions on course. These are at the corner of The Mall & Adams Ave ( Boatramp ), Marine Parade ( outside #85 ) & on the board walk near the Surf Club & campground.
- In total there are 5 Aid Stations as you will through 2 of them twice ( if doing the Standard ). The Boatramp (1) on the way out on the run ( all courses ), Marine Parade twice as you head towards Tay Street (2) & on the return (3) ( Standard only ), then Surf Club (4) ( Standard & Sprint ), then the Boatramp (5) on the last km before the finish ( all courses ).
- Aid Station 1, 2, 3 & 4 will have R-line Electrolyte product & water. Aid Station 5 will only have water.
- There are NO gels or food products on any Aid Stations.
Its back for another year – Thanks to Suzuki New Zealand our AMAZING partner that after over 15 years of support, will continue to provide a Suzuki Swift to give away through the Suzuki National Series – LEGENDS!
Participants in all Suzuki National Triathlon Series events for the 2024/25 Season go into the draw to win a Suzuki Swift!!
At each Suzuki National Series Championship event this season, one lucky person per championship race will be drawn from all those eligible. One extremely lucky person from this eligible group of athletes will be drawn at random with the winner then in the draw to win the
Suzuki drawn at the conclusion of the 2024/25 Tri NZ Suzuki National Series.
The winner from each event will then have a chance to win the Suzuki Swift drawn at the conclusion of the 2024/25 Tri NZ Suzuki National Series.
Please make sure that you are familiar with each Suzuki National Series events prize draw and eligibility process to ensure you are in the draw to win!
The full Terms and Conditions can be found here
Think you’re ready for the Tinman Triathlon?
Are you educated on anti-doping?
If you’re taking part, it’s important you understand your anti-doping rights, responsibilities and the doping control process. How? Complete the Level 1 e-learning course from Drug Free Sport New Zealand by 18 November. It’s simple, informative and makes anti-doping an easy part of your competition prep.
Get started now at drugfreesport.org.nz/e-learning
- All races are held under TriNZ rules. These can be found here.
- Get to the Transition area early. The Standard area will have allocated numbering.
- Low Tide 8:16am
- Don’t forget your transponder & don’t lose it or it will cost you $150.
- Please don’t park any where on the race course.
- You MUST attend the race briefing on the day, 15 minutes before your race.
- Please have your upper torso covered at all times during the race (except in the swim if you don’t wear a wetsuit).
- There is to be NO nudity in the transition area when getting changed form each discipline.
- As per TriNZ rules there are to be no swim equipment used in the swim.
- As per TriNZ rules the bike must have a seat & not be an E-Bike.
- Please wear covered shoes at all times during the race.
- Please wear a helmet at all times during the bike section of the race.
- Standard & Short course transition areas will open after the last bike has completed the bike leg. Approximately 10am.
- Sprint Distance transition will remain open until 30 mins before race start.
- If withdrawing from the race, you must report back to the race HQ & return your transponder. Otherwise we will assume you are lost & have to start a search for you. Please don’t let this happen to you.
- Turn up to race hard & have FUN.
- Some carparking can be found on Coronation Park.
- Visit Mount Mainstreet before & after the event.
- Please read the time limit on your carpark, as they have been enforcing this lately.
Saturday 23 Nov 2024
- 8:30am swim reccie @ Salisbury Wharf, Pilot Bay
- 12pm-3pm registration @ MYRIDE, Mt Maunganui
Sunday 24 Nov 2024
- 6:00am Transition area opens (Salisbury Wharf carpark, Pilot Bay)
- 7:00am Standard Transition closes
- 7:15am Standard Distance race briefing
- 7:30am Standard Distance Men (U45) start
- 7:32am Standard Distance Men (45-59) start
- 7:35am Standard Distance Women (U55) start
- 7:37am Standard Distance Men (60+) start
- 7:38am Standard Distance Women (55+) start
- 7:45am Standard Distance Team start
- 8:45am Short Course Transition closes
- 9:00am Short Course (Have a Go) race briefing
- 9:15am Short Course Youth Boys start (Junior series)
- 9:17am Short Course Youth Girls start (Junior series)
- 9:19am Short Course Men start
- 9:21am Short Course Women & Team
- 9:30am Splash’n’Dash race briefing/transition setup on grass
- 9:40am Splash’n’Dash Boys start
- 9:42am Splash’n’Dash Girls start
- 10:00am Sprint Transition closes
- 10:15am Sprint Distance race briefing
- 10:30am Sprint Distance Male U19 start (Junior series)
- 10:32am Sprint Distance Female U19 start (Junior series)
- 10:37am Sprint Distance Men start,
- 10:42am Sprint Distance Women start
- 10:45am Sprint Distance Team start
- 10:47am Para-Tri start
- 1:00pm Prize-giving or 15 mins after last competitor finishes
Age Groups for the Standard Distance race will be your age as of 31st December 2025. This helps us put you in the age group you would be in by Worlds the following year.
Minimum age is 18. Age Groups will be as per TriNZ in 5 year age groups, apart from the 18-19 Age group. Eligibility criteria for National championships can be found here
Standard distance 22.11.24 startlist
Sprint & Short Course will only have medals for overall Male, Female & Team. Minimum age 16 as at race day.
Sprint distance 22.11.24 startlist
Para distance 22.11.24 startlist
Short Course Youth Age Division is 11-15 years of age. Medals for overall Male, Female & Team, Youth Male & Female.
Short Course 22.11.24 startlist
Junior series 22.11.24 startlist
Splash n Dash 22.11.24 startlist
All entries for the Standard & Sprint distance must pay the One Day Membership if the athlete is not a member of TRIBE. Join TRIBE.
Online entries will close on Wednesday 20th November 2024 at midnight. Then late entries will be taken on Saturday 23rd November 2024 at the registration. These late entries will incur a fee of $20 + the entry fee.
You are able to transfer your entry to another Athlete with an Admin fee of $10. Please contact event organisers.
If you need to withdraw from the race prior to race-day due to an injury, sickness etc, a refund may be issued with a $30 Admin Fee. There will be NO refunds after 3rd November 2024. Please contact event organisers.
Terms & conditions here
No refunds will be given due to cancellation of the event due to circumstances beyond the organisers control including, adverse/extreme weather conditions, natural disaster, any Civil Defence warnings (i.e. Tsunami), earthquake, pandemic, or any other event when it is deemed unsafe to safely host the event. Any decision is final and will be made in the interest of safety.
If the event is cancelled due to Covid-19, registered athletes will be entitled to a 70% refund of their entry fee. Note this does not include credit card fees or booking fees. No transfers.
For the last two years as a not-for-profit club we have offered full refunds or transfers to support our community as we have navigated the challenges of Covid-19. Unfortunately, this is not sustainable for the foreseeable future to ensure the continuation of our events and as we now learn to live with Covid-19.
There will be plenty of fantastic spot prizes at the event. Prize-giving will be held approx 15 minutes after the last athlete has crossed the finish line. Numbers will be picked at random. You MUST be present to receive your prize.
There will be NO finisher medals for participants in 2024. All Splash’n’Dash kids will get a medal.
Triathlon NZ 5 year age groups will be used for the Standard Distance Individual race prize-giving medals.
Sprint Distance race will be awarded overall Female, Male & Team. No Age group medals.
Short Course race will be awarded overall Female, Male & Team, , Youth Male & Female. No Age group medals.
Triathlon Tauranga will award Standard Distance 1st, 2nd, 3rd Overall Teams. No Gender/Mixed team category medals. Just overall.
- 1990 – Race cancelled due to extreme bad weather
- 2001 – Race cancelled due to extreme bad weather
- 2004 – Race became an Aquathon, after high winds prevented the bike
- 2013 – Find them here
- 2014 – Find them here
- 2015 – Find them here
- 2016 – Find them here
- 2017 – Find them here
- 2018 – Find them here
- 2019 – Find them here
- 2020 – Find them here
- 2021 – Race cancelled due to Covid Delta restrictions
- 2022 – Find them here
- 2023 – Find them here
Race briefing for 2024 – here.
The Tinman Triathlon is not the only Triathlon that Triathlon Tauranga host over the Summer.
There is the Surfbreaker Triathlon on December 27th 2024, held at the Mount Main beach, then the Women’s Triathlon on February 16th 2025, held at Pilot Bay, then finally a Sprint Triathlon on March 9th 2025 held at Pilot Bay.
Check the event page of the Club’s website for more information.